The new year started with some vaccinations for Luca: one puncture into one thigh, one into the other...she was a super hero: she didn't cry a lot and was not grouchy or didn't get fever. Appart from this a lot of good things happened/happnes to her: gonig to gymnastics, to friends every Tuesday...we went to baby massage lesson, too. We almost have no free day in a week. So, the time is running and Luca is getting older. Last time as I saw her newborn photos. How much she has changed...especially her hair. It's getting longer. Her daily routin: eating, playing and a little bit sleeping. I still lay her a lot to her belly to train her. She already catches things and puts them into her mouth. However, they don't always taste good to her, or her teeth are coming, I guess. She starts crying sometimes when she bites something.
2013. január 23., szerda
Az új év Lucának oltással kezdődött: egy szuri az egyik combba, még egy a másikba...szuper csajszi volt: nem sírt sokat, és nyűgös vagy lázas sem lett. Emellett csomó jó dolog is történt/történik vele: eljárunk tornázni, keddenként barátnőzik... még babamasszázs tanfolyamon is voltunk. A héten már alig van szabad napunk. Szóval, telik az idő és Luca már egyre nagyobb. Múltkor elnézegettem az újszülött képeit. Mennyit változott azóta...különösen a haja. Egyre hosszabb lesz. A napirend: evés, játék és egy kis alvás. Továbbra is sokat rakom pocakra, hogy ügyesedjen. Már megfogja a dolgokat és megrágcsálja őket, bár nem mindig tetszik az ízük vagy az állaguk, de szerintem jöhet a foga. Néha felsír, ha ráharap valamire.
The new year started with some vaccinations for Luca: one puncture into one thigh, one into the other...she was a super hero: she didn't cry a lot and was not grouchy or didn't get fever. Appart from this a lot of good things happened/happnes to her: gonig to gymnastics, to friends every Tuesday...we went to baby massage lesson, too. We almost have no free day in a week. So, the time is running and Luca is getting older. Last time as I saw her newborn photos. How much she has changed...especially her hair. It's getting longer. Her daily routin: eating, playing and a little bit sleeping. I still lay her a lot to her belly to train her. She already catches things and puts them into her mouth. However, they don't always taste good to her, or her teeth are coming, I guess. She starts crying sometimes when she bites something.
The new year started with some vaccinations for Luca: one puncture into one thigh, one into the other...she was a super hero: she didn't cry a lot and was not grouchy or didn't get fever. Appart from this a lot of good things happened/happnes to her: gonig to gymnastics, to friends every Tuesday...we went to baby massage lesson, too. We almost have no free day in a week. So, the time is running and Luca is getting older. Last time as I saw her newborn photos. How much she has changed...especially her hair. It's getting longer. Her daily routin: eating, playing and a little bit sleeping. I still lay her a lot to her belly to train her. She already catches things and puts them into her mouth. However, they don't always taste good to her, or her teeth are coming, I guess. She starts crying sometimes when she bites something.
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