I need to admit, that I don't mind when I can leave our sweety for someone.
2013. december 29., vasárnap
I need to admit, that I don't mind when I can leave our sweety for someone.
2013. december 28., szombat
Elaludt_Fell asleep
Luca általában nehezen alszik el...de lehet, hogy egyszerűen más ölében könnyebben megy.
Luca ususally hardly falls asleep...or in another lap it happens quite easily.
Luca ususally hardly falls asleep...or in another lap it happens quite easily.
2013. december 27., péntek
Még mindig egyik kedvenc időtöltése Lucának a fürdés. Különösen, ha a család egész női szakasza körülötte sürög-forog...a kis hercegnő ;)
Still bathing is one of the favourite daily routines for Luca. Especially when all women of the family cooperate around her...the little princess ;)
Still bathing is one of the favourite daily routines for Luca. Especially when all women of the family cooperate around her...the little princess ;)
2013. december 24., kedd
Luca elmúlt egy éves, úgyhogy az édességhez (majdnem) annyi joga van, mint a nagyoknak. Ezt ki is használta az ünnepek alatt. Alig győztük elrejteni a szaloncukrot előle.
Luca is more than one year old, so she has (almost) the same right to the sweets as the olders. She took adventage of this during the holidays pretty much. We hardly could hide the fondants from her.
Luca is more than one year old, so she has (almost) the same right to the sweets as the olders. She took adventage of this during the holidays pretty much. We hardly could hide the fondants from her.
2013. december 16., hétfő
A karácsonyi készülődést kissé túlvállaltam. Így a nyugodt ráhangolódás helyett inkább a túltervezett menetrendem után rohantam többnyire: adventi naptár és ajándék készítés....mi lett volna, ha itthon karácsonyozunk és az ünnepi menüt is el kellett volna készítenem?! Ez a sütemény legalább jól sikerült és gyorsan el is készült. Jövőre is sütök ilyet :)
I made the Christmas preparation too busy. Instead of the calm attunement, mostly I tried to catch up my overplanned timetable: making advnet calendar and gifts....what if we celebrate Christmas here at home and I also need to cook the menu?! At least this cake had success and it was made qiuckly. I will bake it next year, too :)
I made the Christmas preparation too busy. Instead of the calm attunement, mostly I tried to catch up my overplanned timetable: making advnet calendar and gifts....what if we celebrate Christmas here at home and I also need to cook the menu?! At least this cake had success and it was made qiuckly. I will bake it next year, too :)
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